- The Beach Club
- The restaurant
- Rooms with jacuzzi at the terrace
- Pool
Be Tulum is a one-of-a-kind place in Tulum. Recently opened (2011), it boasts stylish cabanas secluded in the jungle, most of them in the upper floors featuring private terraces with jacuzzi and a breathtaking view to both sea and the jungle of the Sian Kaan reserve.
With a combination of excellent materials, love and a lots of good taste, Be Tulum is probably the nicest hotel at the Tulum Beach. Its sophistication has a cost though, double rooms start above $300, a bit more than other hotels in the area with less enchantment.
The beach club and restaurant is a great option for both hotel guests and visitors. On weekends they offer a tasty barbecue. They have a great wine list and live music (the jazz band played the best version of “Summertime” I have ever listened to in a live event). A plus of the beach clubs is that it boasts the hipster crowd of the Tulum sand.
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